Here in the office, we are getting antsy for warm weather. In an effort to combat our winter blahs, we have compiled some activities to help get ready for spring – which is coming, we hope!
1. As the snow begins to melt, and you start seeing green, make plans for a vegetable garden. Re-connect with Mother Nature and find your green thumb! Draw a diagram of where you hope to plant, and make a list of the seeds and gardening supplies you will need, so you will be ready to plant as soon as the weather allows!
This article has some great links for beginners to help you prepare for your garden.
2. Re-vamp your wardrobe — start taking inventory of your spring and summer clothing. New bathing suit styles are available in late winter (and on sale!). If you run or exercise outdoors during spring, start looking for new fitness clothing that will help you stay cool outside.
3. Speaking of outside — go outside. When the days start getting longer and the air starts getting less frigid, go for a walk and start planning all the spring and summer activities you have to look forward to!
4. Clean up. There’s a reason it’s called “Spring Cleaning” – because the best home improvement projects happen in the spring. Make plans now to spruce up the coat of paint that you’ve been meaning to get to, tidy up the garage, or start the garden (see tip number 1). If you need ideas, there’s no shortage of “DIY” projects that can be done on a budget — just check out Pinterest.
5. Whether you’re a commuter from the suburbs or you’ve let your car get buried under feet of snow while parked on your street, your car deserves some TLC after this winter. The slush, salt, and cold weather really take a toll on your vehicle. If you visit most car centers, they will be happy to rotate your tires, check your tire pressure, change your oil and fluids, and inspect your vehicle for winter damage. And, they will make sure your tires have enough tread for the rainy spring weather ahead!
As always, please feel free to reach out and share with us any other ways you and your family are getting ready for spring!