Young scribes heed the word of Jay Stefani
Jay returned to his alma mater, DePaul University College of Law, on Wednesday to participate in Writing for Success, a panel discussion led by DePaul College of Law alumni. Together with four panelists, Jay elaborated on techniques to improve the legal writing skills of aspiring attorneys.
The P2P program has been going on for several years. Students participate in hour-long sessions with a group of practicing lawyers, who discuss tactics that have proven successful in the professional field. That included the dangers of sloppy writing and the impression it can leave among colleagues.
Doing away with bad habits, according to the panel, is the key to a winning argument and a winning reputation. For his own part, Jay talked about the benefits of cutting out distractions to focus on the task at hand. He suggested gathering every piece of information, every piece of paper and every notebook relevant to the situation before sitting down to write.
“There could be fifty things going on, but once I get into that zone, nothing can pull me away from what I’m doing,” he said. “There are lots of benefits to diving in and not coming out until the job is done.”