Associate attorney Brett Manchel spoke to the Chicago Bar Association Solo and Small Firm Committee on Tuesday. The presentation, given with attorney Richard C. Balough, of Balough Law Offices, was titled “It’s on the Internet so it Must be True, and Other Technology Myths.” Manchel and Balough addressed ethical considerations attorneys should be aware of with popular services like Gmail and Dropbox, best practices for legal online advertising and social media use, and law firm technology policies. The goal of Manchel and Balough’s discussion was to help lawyers understand popular technologies and the risks associated with each.
Levinson and Stefani partner Ken Levinson, who is the Co-Chair of the Solo and Small Firm Committee, invited Manchel and Balough to speak because of each attorney’s interest in helping other lawyers make smart choices about technology from both a legal practice perspective and a client perspective. “I’m very thankful for Brett and Richard, and I’m very glad they could share their valuable knowledge with the practicing attorneys of the Committee,” said Levinson. The diverse audience at the CBA meeting included new lawyers and veteran practitioners from a variety of practice areas, but “all lawyers, at the very least, need to incorporate email, mobile, and online tech into their practice in order to thrive in today’s legal market,” said Manchel.
This was Manchel’s first presentation to the Chicago Bar, and, said Levinson, “He did a wonderful job. Our firm is very lucky to have him!”

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