In current Levinson and Stefani firm news, our own Ken Levinson has organized a prominent upcoming event for small law firms.
“As Co-Chair of the Chicago Bar Association Solo and Small Firm Practitioners Committee, I planned and put together our next meeting and speaker,” Levinson explained.
On January 5th, the lunchtime virtual lunchtime program titled “The One Page Strategic Plan: Business Planning Made Simple” will take place.
“Strategic business planning is a key component to growing your firm,” said Levinson in regards to the program description. “Unfortunately, it can be time-consuming to create and can become obsolete as situations change.”
The webinar will detail the One Page Strategic Plan as a way to help viewers learn to utilize strategic planning in a manner to help their firm grow more quickly and more effectively.
The overarching goal of this online event is to give participants tools in order to: determine their particular areas of focus for the next year-to-18 months; create a solid foundation in regards to firm marketing; identify their firm’s weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and potential threats; and to understand what can make them really stand out as attorneys.
Levinson’s chosen speaker for this event is Alay Yajnik, a law firm growth expert who specializes in aiding solo and small firm lawyers in learning the best possible business strategies and practices for their firms. In doing so, Yajnik believes that implementing these techniques will allow lawyers to work fewer hours, have more free time, and make more money on top of it all.
The first book to be written on hiring for lawyers, Staffing Up: The Attorney’s Guide to Hiring Top Talent, is written by Yajnik, who has also run a 100 million-dollar business and has built, from the ground up, an additional five million-dollar business.
Additionally, Yajnik, who holds an MBA in finance and marketing, currently serves as Hoge Fenton’s Business Development and Marketing Advisor–Hoge Fenton is a San Francisco-based firm employing 40 attorneys. Yajnik also founded Lawyer Business Advantage and hosts the Lawyer Business Advantage podcast.
For information on attending this webinar, click here.
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