On April 12th, Levinson and Stefani’s own Ken Levinson will be giving a presentation at the American Association for Justice’s new program, New Lawyers Boot Camp.
AAJ has collaborated with its New Lawyers Division for this six-part series taking place each Monday, from 2 to 4 p.m., today until May 10th. Today’s focus will be ‘Oral and Written Advocacy Skills,’ April 12th’s will ‘Pre-trial Essentials,’ April 19th’s will be ‘Making Yourself Essential to Your Firm,’ April 26th’s will be ‘The Economics of a Case,’ May 3rd’s will be ‘Trial Teamwork–How to Create an Effective Trial Team,’ and May 10th’s will be ‘Playing Offense.’
The six-part boot camp, which Ken helped develop, aims to help new lawyers better understand the best ways to grow within their firms and become as successful and profitable as possible. It expects to do so by providing these up-and-coming attorneys with insight into how to best develop extraordinary pre-trial skills and how to boost their abilities to work efficiently with a pre-trial team.
“I am always honored to help teach fellow trial lawyers and am even more excited to help new attorneys,” Levinson said of his participation in this series.
Levinson’s presentation will take place on April 12th at 2:00 p.m. and will focus on the best methods for conducting a successful client interview and what the essential aspects taken away from such an interview should be.
Levinson will be working with Gordon and Partners’ Jennifer Lipinski on discussion topics such as: proper protocol when first meeting a client, how to be a top-notch questioner and investigator, and the best ways to find landmines during the interview.
Other discussions taking place on April 12th will be regarding witness preparation, led by Miller Weisbrod’s Luke Metzler; expert research and background checks for the plaintiff and the defense, led by Herman Herman & Katz’ Stephen Herman; and a sponsored presentation to close out the day.
AAJ hopes program participants will gain important insight regarding how to create personal marketing plans, persuade judges with pre-trial motions, and keep cases moving forward effectively.
To attend the six-part boot camp, AAJ members can register here.
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